Adult Courses

Adult learning at Plumpton College comes in a variety of flexible study options

Our adult courses are packed full of theory and practical aspects taught by our experienced lecturing team.

As an adult learner there are a range of study options available to you at Plumpton, including: full-time for a Level 2 or 3 qualification, learning on the job as an apprentice, undertaking a part time evening course, or satisfying your hobby interests with a one day workshop.

Finance for adult courses

If you're worried about whether you can afford to study as an adult, you may be eligible for an Adult Learner Loan. You can also get in touch with our Finance Department for further questions and support, send them an email at 

Upcoming Events

Visit our calendar of events to see what's coming up.

Find out more

Looking to Boost your Confidence with Numbers?

Are you looking to boost your maths skills and increase your confidence in a fun and relaxed environment, starting this month?

Plumpton College are delighted to be hosting FREE numeracy courses designed to help adults access education that fits around their busy lives. 

Find out more

Study options for adults at Plumpton College:


Apprenticeships are a great way to learn a skill, transition into a new industry, gain practical experience, and earn a wage while learning.

LandPro Training

LandPro Training is home to our industry training and assessment service covering the South East. Courses are designed and delivered by Lantra, NPTC and BALI qualified trainers with industry experience to meet rigorous industry standards.


Be part of the next generation of industry leaders. From viticulture to veterinary and animal science, courses have been co-designed with academics and industry experts, equipping you with industry-relevant skills for a fulfilling career in the land-based sector.

Part Time

Looking to pursue a hobby or upskill part-time? Study an accredited RHS or City & Guilds course, or satisfy a passion with a one-day workshop.

Further Education (16+)

Our further education courses are an excellent start for those 19+ learners looking to expand their knowledge, boost their career prospects, or change careers.

News & Updates

Adult Learning

New one day workshops at our redeveloped Stanmer Campus, based at One Garden Brighton, within horticulture and floristry areas. Learn new skills or begin a new hobby. Come and meet us at our next Open Event to explore all our study options.

Begin an Apprenticeship Today

Learn a new skill whilst earning a wage - apprenticeships are the perfect way to kickstart a new career and fuel a lifelong passion. Explore our range of apprenticeships now, including Butchery, Bakery, Horticulture, and more. 

Study For Free

Throughout the year, we run FREE Level 1, 2, & 3 programmes for adults. Check here or call our enquiries team today for more information.

NEW Veterinary Studies Centre

Refer your pet for animal referral or enroll on our NEW Level 3 Hydrotherapy course

Meet our experts

Looking to study wine? Read about our team of international wine lecturers