Plumpton College
Travelling to Plumpton College
College bus network
We offer an extensive bus route just for Plumpton College students, allowing access from a wide range of surrounding areas, making it easy and simple for you to get to college.
We try to make getting to college as affordable as possible and each year the college subsidises around 50% of the cost of all tickets.
The Plumpton College bus is provided by Zeelo. For route details, bus timetables and information on how to purchase tickets, visit Zeelo.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Transport team.
If you’re coming by train, you can travel to the main local train stations (Lewes, Hassocks, Plumpton Green and Wivelsfield) and then connect with our bus network in order to reach us.
If you’re looking for discounted student travel, you can buy a UNIZONE. A unique season ticket which is exclusive to students in the Brighton or Worthing area; you’ll enjoy unlimited travel by train.
Public bus services
As well as the college bus network,There are routes provided by Compass Travel that that go to Plumpton College. These are routes 166, 167, 168.
We have plenty of free parking on campus for students and visitors.