- Duration
Certificate: 1 day per week, Mondays (on site) | Diploma: 2 days per week, Monday (on site) & Tuesday (remote)
- Attendance
- 09:00 - 16:00
- Location
- Plumpton College
Course Overview
The time is right for a change in your career, why not become a Countryside Ranger or an Estates Manager...
Discover this new, engaging part time course which offers a qualification to support learners who want to pursue a new career in the Countryside Management sector or would simply like to understand how to manage the environment.
This qualification can be undertaken to allow direct entry into a career in Countryside Management with the Diploma being delivered over 2 days and the Certificate one day per week. This course has been designed for career changes and therefore no prior knowledge of Countryside Management is necessary. This course is also designed for young adults wishing to join the countryside sector.
The certificate course consists of 5 units and the Foundation Diploma course consists of 7 units which set the scene for your new career. You will be assessed through project-based work and sit an externally set timed written task. This course attracts a maximum of 56 UCAS points for Higher Education entry.
Work Experience:
As part of this course you will also be required to undertake 75 hours of work experience. This could either be in a paid capacity or could be done on a voluntary basis throughout the summer season and the college can help organize this placement for you.
Work experience is an excellent way to build your confidence and CV experience so you are ready to work either in a self-employed capacity or for a company in the land-based sector.
You can choose to study the extended certificate which includes 5 units or our foundation diploma with includes 7 units, both set the scene for your new career. You will be assessed through project-based work and sit an externally set timed written task.
Topics covered within this part time course:
- Professional Working Responsibilities
- Plant and Soil Science
- Work Experience in the Land-based Sectors
- Countryside Estate Skills Activities
- Managing Environmental Habitats
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Management
- Woodland Management
Course Delivery:
- Extended Certificate: one day per week, Mondays (onsite)
- Foundation Diploma: two days per week, Mondays (onsite) & Tuesdays (remote)
- 2 days, one remote (Tuesday) and one onsite (Monday)
Entry Requirements
This course has been designed for career changes and therefore no prior knowledge of Countryside Management is necessary.
Course Cost
Certificate full course cost: £3,417
Foundation Diploma full course cost: £4,425
What is it like to be a student on this course?
Future Opportunities & Career Progression
There are several routes for you to progress into such as
- Countryside Ranger
- Estates Manager
- Land Manager/Advisor
- Contractor
Financial support could be available to you depending on your household income, eligibility criteria, and level of study. A bursary, which is money given directly by the Government, could help fund bus travel, accommodation, course equipment, college meals, or educational trips.
Course Fees
Students aged 16-18 on 31st August in the year of starting the course do not pay tuition fees.
Students aged 19-23 studying their Level 1, 2 or first Level 3 may be entitled to tuition fee waiver depending on criteria eligibility.
Students aged 24+ who are studying a second Level 3 course or aged 24+ who are studying their first Level 3 course will have to pay tuition fees, depending on the course.
Students on low income who can prove they earn less than £25,000 (from September 2024); are unemployed; or receive state benefits could be entitled to a tuition fee waiver.
All students pay a standard facility fee of £150 to use communal, non-educational facilities.
Material fees apply to Floristry, Blacksmithing and Metalwork, Agricultural Engineering, and Motor Vehicle students, which contribute to quality resources and equipment for their studies.
Equipment & PPE
Students on a 14-16, Level 1, 2, 3, or Foundation Learning course may be required to purchase equipment such as a uniform, PPE, or kit before starting their course. Material fees are applicable depending depending on the course studied.
Work Experience
Work experience enhances your studies and is an important part of your course. It ensures you leave college ready for the world of work. It is compulsory to undertake an element of work experience when studying a Level 1, 2, or 3 course.