- Duration
3 Day Course
- Location
- Plumpton College
Course Overview
If you are launching a new English wine brand, or want to sell more wine, this is the course for you.
Delivered by Plumpton’s specialist Wine Business lecturers, Nick Hutchinson and Rebecca Apley, it will enable you to identify and understand your potential customers and develop the best brand, packaging and routes to market for your wine.
There will be a particularly strong focus on wine tourism and digital communications, which will enable you to maximise your sales margins.
This workshop is particularly suitable for medium-sized English and Welsh wine producers, both new and established.
Course Content:
Consumer behaviour:
Behavioural psychology, the role of social identity, culture and knowledge on wine buying and consumption
On-trade, off-trade, market types
Routes to market:
Distribution channels, potential export markets
Branding and packaging:
Colour, closures, labels, logos
Wine tourists:
Behaviour, cellar door requirements, service levels
Web design and digital communications
Social media, brand consistency, product extensions
Entry Requirements
You must be 18 or over to take this course.
Course Cost
£545 for the three day workshop.
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