Page last updated: 14 October 2024

Financial support available at Plumpton College

For this reason, it’s important that you know which category of student you fall into, as the fee payments and support funds that are available differ from group to group. Bursaries help students facing financial hardship in continuing futher education.

For information on faciltiies, material and tuition fees, please visit our course fees & funding page.

If you are looking to study a short course, you won’t normally be eligible for support funds. The cost stated against each course will be the cost you’ll expect to pay – regardless of your circumstance.

If you require any assistance in completing the forms or unsure of which bursary you qualify for, please email our team at or phone 01273 892102. They will be happy to help.

School Leavers & Home Educated Students

You will be classified as a school leaver or home educated student if you’re studying for your BTEC, City & Guild or A Level type qualifications at college. Ranging from students aged 16 to mature adult learners - there is no an upper age limit.

16-18 Residential Scholarship for Equine & Agriculture students

Collaborating with the South of England Agricultural Society for the second year running, we are delighted to offer our fantastic residential bursary scholarship which is aimed at students who live in an area not accessible via the college’s normal bus network or more than 30 miles from Plumpton College, in Kent, Hampshire, Surrey, or Sussex.

This is an amazing opportunity for students interested in studying Agriculture or Equine where distance from the college could pose financial barriers to applying to study at Plumpton College. 

The scholarship is to assist students (applicants), aged 16-18 with up to 75% of the costs of their residential fees to enable them to live in our Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' accommodation whilst studying on site at Plumpton College to achieve a Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Agriculture or Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Equine Management.

Click here to read more about the Residential Scholarship


Under 18 Discretionary Bursary

Bursary funding is available to eligible students on both full and part-time funded programmes. The under 18 bursary funding is only available to students enrolling on a funded programme who are aged under 19 on 31 August. This funding could also be available for Electively Home Educated (14-16) Students who will be joining the college for their studies.

A bursary may be available for any student whose annual household income does not exceed £27,000 (£50,000 if applying for accommodation support). Evidence of current household income/benefits will have to be provided. If your course requires a kit or uniform, and your family is on a low income, you can apply for a contribution towards these costs. Please check the course details; the maximum contribution the Bursary Fund could make is up to £400.

Click here to read the under 18 bursary guidelines 


​​​​​​​16-18 Bursary for Defined Vulnerable Group

A bursary of up to £1,200 a year, paid in kind where possible, is available to assist with the costs of college bus travel, meals, books etc. The award will be assessed based on actual financial need, and the student would only receive the amount they need to participate in the study programme.

Students in the following groups will be eligible if enrolled and assessed as being in one of the four defined vulnerable groups:

  • In care
  • Care leaver
  • Young person in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • Young person in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independent Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.

Click here to read the under 19 bursary guidelines 



19+ Bursary

Students aged 19 and over as of 31st August could be eligible for financial hardship support. Bursary funding can be available to students studying on a qualifying, funded full or part-time course.

A bursary could be available to students whose household, income does not exceed £27,000, including your spouse, co-habiting partner or parents. This bursary may be available to assist with the cost of college bus travel and meals. If your course requires a kit or uniform, and your family is on a low income, you can apply for a contribution towards these costs. Please check the course details, the maximum contribution the bursary fund could make is up to £400.

Please note: The amount of bursary provided will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change due to the availability of funds. Payments will be adjusted for programmes not over a full academic year.

If you are in support of any state benefits, it is your responsibility to inform the Department for Work and Pensions about any learner support you receive, as the learner support payments may affect your eligibility for some state benefits.

Click here to read the over 19 bursary guidelines


Advanced Learner Loan Bursary

Students aged 19 and over on the first day of their course, who have been approved for an Advanced Learner Loan, could be eligible to receive financial support from Plumpton College Advanced Learner Loan Hardship Bursary. A bursary could be available to students whose household income does not exceed £27,000. This includes your own income, spouse, co-habiting partner or parents (if applicable).

Please note: The amount of bursary provided will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change due to the availability of funds. Payments will be adjusted for programmes not over a full academic year.

If you are in support of any state benefits, it is your responsibility to inform the Department for Work and Pensions about any learner support you receive, as the learner support payments may affect your eligibility for some state benefits.

Detailed information about Advanced Learner Loan is available here: 

Click here to read the Advanced Learner Loan Hardship Bursary Guidelines 


Higher Education

Higher education students will be 18+. You’ll be studying for your BSc, FdSc or Top-up degree and will have previously completed further education study.

Higher Education Hardship Support Fund

Hardship Support Fund payment is a maximum of up to a £1000 cash payment paid in three instalments.

To qualify you must:

  • be a home or EU (Settled Status) student
  • be paying the required tuition fee for your full time or part time course using a tuition fee loan from Student Finance England (SFE)
  • be in receipt of a maintenance loan or have explored options from SFE for any additional loans and grants available
  • be enrolled and attending as a full-time or part-time student on a Higher Education course at Plumpton College
  • be eligible for student support under UK student support regulations
  • providing evidence of a total household income under £25,000 (in line with Student Finance England)

Click here to read the Higher Education Hardship Support Fund Bursary Guidelines 


Childcare Information

The 20+ childcare bursary may be available to assist you with childcare costs based upon your timetabled hours. To apply for childcare support, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 20 or over and approved for a 19+ Bursary or Advanced Learner Loan Bursary
  • You must use Ofsted registered childcare provision
  • If your child is eligible for Free Early Years Education, your funding will consider any free hours.

If you are under the age of 20 at the start of your course, Care to Learn can help with childcare costs. It is only available if the student’s childcare provider is Ofsted registered and offers up to £160 per week per child. Students must apply to Care to Learn directly by completing an online application form.

For further information visit: 


What is the bursary for?

Bursaries are money given directly to the college by the Government or funding directly from the college to help students who face financial hardship in continuing further education. All students can apply, and if the bursary eligibility and criteria is met, then a bursary can possibly help with the following:

  • Bus travel
  • Accommodation
  • Course equipment/ kit
  • College meals
  • Educational trips

If you have a student loan, i.e. Advanced Learner Loan or student finance for University Courses, there could also be a possibility of assistance from the college in the form of a hardship fund, having first secured the loan.

How will the bursary be assessed?
  • Assessment is made on the total household income from the student’s parent/carer or guardian, mainly financially responsible for the student and with whom they live.
  • If the student lives with a spouse or partner – the household income of the both will be assessed. We will look at the student’s income only if the student lives independently and supports themselves.
What evidence do I need to provide?
  • You must provide the full household income to be assessed, whether through salary and/or benefits per year. All taxable earnings, income and benefits are considered.
  • For example, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independent Payment, and Carers Allowance are not considered, but evidence must be provided. Universal Credit and Tax Credit payments are counted; all evidence must be provided.
What is the income threshold to apply?
  • The household income must be £27,000 (before tax) per year or less whether through salary and/or benefits.
  • For assistance with accommodation, a total household income of £50,000 (before tax), per year or less whether through salary and/or benefits.
When can I apply for any bursary funds?
  • We encourage all prospective and returning students who think they might be eligible to apply for assistance to complete and submit their bursary application form during the Spring/Summer term so that their application can be assessed before the start of the term.
  • Early applications will help us ensure that any assistance awarded can be put in place as close as possible to the start of the course.
  • Applications can be made throughout the year.
  • Guidance notes and application forms are available to fill in via the college website.
What can I expect once I've made an application?
  • Applicants will be notified in writing via email of how much has been allocated within the categories they have applied for help with.
  • Awards will be made via BACS or paid in kind where possible.
  • Applications will be judged on individual needs outlined in the Education and Skills Funding Agency guidelines.
  • The amount awarded will be specific to each application.