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Welcoming guests for our annual NFU Farm Walk

We were delighted to welcome members of the National Farmers Union to our annual Farm Walk.

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Invite to Lewes District Annual Food Summit - Wednesday 18th October

We're delighted to host Lewes District Food Partnership at our AgriFood Centre in October for their event to celebrate sustainable food systems that are good for people and the planet.

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Plumpton Estate Wine Wins Gold and Best in Class: English Brut NV At This Year's Championships

Plumpton Estate Wine Wins Gold and Best in Class: English Brut NV At This Year's Championships

Plumpton College Wine Division have achieved world-class recognition with their fantastic Brut Classic Sparkling wine

Category: Wine Division

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We're delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Linter as Wine Director

We're delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Linter as Wine Director

As the UK’s centre of excellence in wine education, training, and research, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Sam Linter as the new Wine Director of Plumpton’s Wine Division.

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Plumpton College celebrates student success with qualifications equivalent to 3 A levels

Plumpton College celebrates student success with qualifications equivalent to 3 A levels

The college goes from strength to strength, with an increasing number of students achieving fantastic results in their level 3 courses, all of which are equivalent to three A levels enabling them to progress on to the next level of study at university or directly into their chosen career across the land and environment sector.

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Now's the Perfect Time To Start An Apprenticeship

Now's the Perfect Time To Start An Apprenticeship

Discover our range of dynamic and immersive apprenticeship programmes at Plumpton College, and how to apply

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If you live in Kent, Hampshire, Surrey or Sussex (30miles from the college) and want to study Level 3 Agriculture or Equine, you could apply for a residential bursary scholarship to start this September!

If you live in Kent, Hampshire, Surrey or Sussex (30miles from the college) and want to study Level 3 Agriculture or Equine, you could apply for a residential bursary scholarship to start this September!

Do you live in Kent, Hampshire, Surrey or Sussex, living 30 miles from Plumpton College, and want to study a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture or Equine Management from September 24, with the help of a residential bursary?


If so apply today for a residential bursary scholarship where up to 75%* of your accommodation fees could be paid for the two years of the study programme where they are based at the college. 


* terms and conditions apply

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Plumpton College Students Visit Kenya - 2023

Plumpton College Students Visit Kenya - 2023

Just under thirty students travelled to a school in Kenya on a once in a lifetime expedition!

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Leading the way in sustainability - Net Zero Champions event

We hosted Brighton Chamber's latest Net Zero Champions event, giving a tour of our beautiful farm campus and explaining how sustainability plays a role in everything we do.

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Nicola Newman Wins CQ Veterinary Nursing Educator of the Year!

Nicola Newman Wins CQ Veterinary Nursing Educator of the Year!

Plumpton College Veterinary Lecturer and Programme Manager Wins Nomination for Nationally Recognised Award

Category: Veterinary

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