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Agriculture College students study practical business

Agriculture College students study practical business

Agriculture College students study practical business 

Students from Plumpton College in East Sussex were recently invited by Lord and Lady Cowdray to visit to The Cowdray Estate, near Midhurst, West Sussex.  The students, who are...

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Student success for Plumpton College

Student success for Plumpton College

Student success for Plumpton College

Students from Plumpton College are celebrating another success.  The students, studying on the rural pathways programme, entered the Jim Green Memorial Competition at South of England...

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Agriculture students benefit from guest speakers.

Agriculture students benefit from guest speakers.

Plumpton College students have been involved in a series of industry-linked theory lectures and practical workshops. Guest speakers were invited from sheep and allied industries to deliver topical subjects, over four weeks, to...

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Clear Round Jumping

Clear Round Jumping

Clear Round Jumping

Weekly Clear round jumping on a Wednesday develops student confidence and skills in the riding, as well as having a great evening supporting friends. Students from our level 2 programmes through to degree level...

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Equine Careers Fair 2016

Equine Careers Fair 2016

Equine Careers Fair 2016

The industry came to Plumpton College giving the Plumpton College Equine students a fantastic opportunity to speak to industry and prospective employers in the recent careers fair held in the Equine...

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Manor Farm supports the next generation of farmers

Manor Farm supports the next generation of farmers

Manor Farm supports the next generation of farmers

Budding student farmers have been given a valuable insight into a working farm, thanks to the team at Manor Farm, Wotton near Dorking, Surrey.  Twenty six agriculture students...

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Weather watch with students at Plumpton College

Weather watch with students at Plumpton College

Plumpton College collects weather data regularly to provide staff and students with another resource for their studies.  The data is available as monthly climatological summaries, towards a complex process which provides many...

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College offers exciting growth opportunities

College offers exciting growth opportunities


College offers exciting growth opportunities


Plumpton College’s new Principal, Jeremy Kerswell has a strong background in agricultural education.  He replaced Des Lambert, who had been Principal at the college for the past 14...

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Plumpton College now proudly boasts of a Master Blacksmith among its well qualified staff

Plumpton College now proudly boasts of a Master Blacksmith among its well qualified staff

Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths (FWCB) and Master Blacksmith. 

Bronze Medal award. 

Plumpton College now proudly boasts of a Master Blacksmith among its well qualified staff.  Ricky Delaney, the programme leader...

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Fragrant Florists Visit

Fragrant Florists Visit

Plumpton College students studying on Levels 1 to 3 programmes in Floristry had another interesting and colourful lecture.  They recently visited McBean’s, East Sussex for a guided tour of the orchid growing areas and the...

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