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Travis Perkins supports Countryside Management project at Plumpton College

Travis Perkins supports Countryside Management project at Plumpton College

Students from Plumpton College studying on the Countryside Management course have developed a scientific project into the bat species found on the College Estate. 

Students Jade Stone and Beth Hughes used a previous survey, which...

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Great Year for Sailing

Great Year for Sailing

We’ve had a great 2014/2015 sailing with nearly every week, being able to get afloat, which certainly showed through with the great standard of sailing shown by all the academy members. We qualified 6 new dinghy instructors who...

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The Governors of Plumpton College are pleased to announce that they have appointed Jeremy Kerswell as the new Principal at the College. 

He will be replacing Des Lambert OBE, FRAgS, who is retiring after over 40 years at the...

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Edenbridge show

Edenbridge show

Despite the wet weather the college did well at this year's Edenbridge show.

The College's Centre at Ivyland showed their Berkshire pigs and Border Leicester sheep and did well in both ‘pairs classes’ for pigs and sheep against...

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Matthew Grimstone tribute

Matthew Grimstone tribute

The college was saddened with the news that Matthew Grimstone lost his life in the Shoreham air crash tragedy.

Matthew was a former greenkeeping apprentice with the college, completing last year, and had taken several courses...

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NSS results

The recently released National Student Survey (NSS) show that 89% of the completing Higher Education students surveyed at Plumpton College agreed that they are satisfied with the quality of the course.  The average score for...

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Student Award Offers Career Boost to Forestry & Arboriculture Graduates

Student Award Offers Career Boost to Forestry & Arboriculture Graduates

The country’s top forestry and arboriculture graduates have received an invaluable career boost thanks to a student award from the Institute of Chartered Foresters. The ICF Student Awards were distributed at graduations across the...

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RABF prize winners

RABF prize winners

Photos show William Cranfield receiving the RABDF prize during the recent National Livestock Show.

left-to-right are: John Reynolds from Volac , William Cranfield HE (agriculture) student from Plumpton College, Prof David Leaver...

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My English experience at the Plumpton College Wine Research Centre

My English experience at the Plumpton College Wine Research Centre

As a student of agronomy at Dijon University (France), I spent five months as an intern at Plumpton Wine Centre. This internship is one of the major aspects of our programme; we are required to go to a foreign country in order to...

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Student award at Plumpton College

Student award at Plumpton College

Carol Aghajanian, a Plumpton College HE student who, as part of her Animal Science degree studied a management module entitled Entrepreneurship, has received the award of top student in Management Studies, presented at the College...

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