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Kent Show

Kent Show

Another successful weekend out with the shire horses at Kent County show with the Plumpton College heavy horse show team. The students Sheneka Reid, Tanisha Lee and Tilly Griffiths all did a fantastic job looking after and turning...

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UK Skills Heat Results

UK Skills Heat Results

One of our Level 4 floristry students, Kate Polyakova  won the regional heat yesterday.

She will now compete at  The Skills Show National final at the NEC in Birmingham, representing Plumpton College -  in November 2015 against 10...

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Shire Horse Team Success

Shire Horse Team Success

In the photos the horse on the left is Deighton Magnum handled by Tanisha Lee who is one of our FE Diploma Students and on the right is Deighton Dick handled by Sheneka Reid who is on the first year of a Foundation Degree....

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Student awards at Plumpton College

Student awards at Plumpton College

Plumpton College held its annual awards ceremony recently, and over two thousand students, staff, parents and invited guests celebrated completing students receiving awards.  The Principal, Des Lambert congratulated the students...

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Plumpton College Students Tree Climbing success

Plumpton College Students Tree Climbing success

Plumpton College level 3 Arboricultural students have taken part in the Arboricultural Association’s Annual ‘3ATC’ student tree climbing competitions this year.  One team from the first year students and one team from the second...

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Helen King's visit to Uganda

Helen King's visit to Uganda

During November I visited a rural village 2 hours from Kampala in Uganda.

The trip was organised through a local charity and was specialised so I could use my agricultural skills and studies to support the local community.  It was...

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Plumpton Shire Horses at South of England Show

Plumpton Shire Horses at South of England Show


This weekend the Plumpton Shire Horses shown by college students and the head of Equine Michelle Johnston took part in the South of England show. The shire horses were shown in hand by Shanice and Shaneka Reid who are both...

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MSc in Viticulture & Oenology study tour to Portugal

MSc in Viticulture & Oenology study tour to Portugal

This wonderful trip was part of the new MSc course in Viticulture & Oenology module on viticultural climate & terroir. It was co-funded with the generous support of the South of England Agricultural Society.

Day 1

We arrived at...

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Lydia Burdis Tent Pegging

Lydia Burdis Tent Pegging

Photos show Lydia Burdis - College equine student - at recent British Tent Pegging competition held at Moors Cottage Stables.

Lydia did particularly well winning the top Junior category and she has been selected as the only junior...

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One of the vet nurses' thoughts on recent trip to Africa

One of the vet nurses' thoughts on recent trip to Africa

The Africa trip truly opened my eyes to how privileged we are as vet nurses to experience and see amazing animals in our career. From helping out in the local community, cat sanctuaries, camping under the stars, hiking, caving,...

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