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Photos of Heathfield in South East Farmer

Photos of Heathfield in South East Farmer

Photos courtesy of South East Farmer

Plumpton College at Netherfield Centre stand looked fantastic and was busy throughout the day.

We were judged and came 1st in our category as well as first prize for the best Agricultural stand...

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Plant Heritage and the Threatened Plants Project

A request for help

Threatened Plants Appeal

"By supporting the Threatened Plants Appeal, you will be instrumental in not only safeguarding it, but also ensuring that our work carries on." Alan Titchmarsh

Plumpton College is...

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Plumpton College shire horses have their debut being driven as a pair

Plumpton College shire horses have their debut being driven as a pair

This weekend the Plumpton College shire horses had their debut being driven as a pair in the South Eastern Shire Horse association show held at East Bysshe. The shires were driven by Michelle Johnston Head of the Equine Department...

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Plumpton College students represent England at the 10th annual EUROPEA Wine Championships

Plumpton College students represent England at the 10th annual EUROPEA Wine Championships

On the 7th April 2015, second-year students Nick White and Zoe Deluca-Hewetson, accompanied by Plumpton College lecturer Dave Perrin, travelled to the college of Klosterneuburg, Austria to take part in the 10th annual EUROPEA Wine...

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Michael Bloomstein Award

Michael Bloomstein Award

Photos show participants, judges , staff and entries at the College's annual Michael Bloomstein award event held on Wednesday 5th May 2015

This is the third time that the college has held this competition which is very kindly...

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Exam Success

Plumpton College Veterinary Nursing department would like to congratulate all of their student VNs in their exam success this week. Students undertaking the CQ level 3 Diploma in both small animal and equine nursing  from year 1...

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Climbing Conpetition Winners

Climbing Conpetition Winners

On Wednesday 29th April 2015 we took 6 students from the Forestry and Arb. department, to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and took part in the  Arboricultural Association’s ‘3ATC Northern Student Tree Climbing Competition’.


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Brand new Foundation Degree set to train a new generation of Creative Metalworkers

Brand new Foundation Degree set to train a new generation of Creative Metalworkers

Plumpton College, set in the heart of the South Downs National Park, has recently launched a Foundation Degree unique to the U.K. The new FdA in Creative Metalworking offers students two years of specialist metalworking training, both small and large scale.

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Work-based Learning Floristry student wins Young Employee of the Year

Work-based Learning Floristry student wins Young Employee of the Year

Kaidee Adams one of the College Work-based Learning Floristry students has won the Young Employee of the Year and Best Overall Business Competition in the Selsey Business Partnership Awards 


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Plumpton equine students at You Horse Live (Total Confidence) over the weekend at Ardingley Show grounds

Plumpton equine students at You Horse Live (Total Confidence) over the weekend at Ardingley Show grounds

This weekend the equine students were at the new Equine event ‘Your Horse Live (Total confidence)’ which took place at Ardingley show grounds. The Plumpton Equine students helped in the stewarding of all the clinics and also with...

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