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IAgrE and JCB competition results

IAgrE and JCB competition results

Students from the Machinery Department have entered the above competition for several years and have always done well.

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Gamekeepers Clay shooting competion results

Gamekeepers Clay shooting competion results

The College clay shooting team competed this week at the inter-land-based College clay shooting competition in Derbyshire.

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Floristry Student Wins Sussex Learner of the Year

Floristry Student Wins Sussex Learner of the Year

Plumpton College floristry student Sara Greenwood was the winner of the City and Guilds Sussex Learner of the Year...

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HRH Duchess of Cornwall opens UK Wine Research Centre at Plumpton College

HRH Duchess of Cornwall has today opened the UK Wine Research Centre, at Plumpton College in East Sussex, the first dedicated Viticulture and Oenology Research Centre in the UK.

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Plumpton College study tour of Champagne, 2nd - 7th March 2014

Study tour report Mon 3rd Mar Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne by Piotr Nahajski

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College team win South of England Showground’s Jim Green Memorial Competition

College team win South of England Showground’s Jim Green Memorial Competition

A team of students from the College won the annual Jim Green Memorial competition held recently at the South of England Showground.

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Dressage results from 8th March 2014


Novice 35 - Open Results Sheet.doc

Medium 75 - Restricted 08.03.14.doc

Novice 37 - Open 08.03.2014.doc

Novice 37 - Restricted 08.03.2014.doc

PYO AM85-A100 08.03.14.doc

Results Sheet for Preliminary 19 Q...

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Visit to Grythyttan School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Meal Science: Orebro University in Sweden

Visit to Grythyttan School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Meal Science: Orebro University in Sweden

This year, Plumpton College and Orebro University started an ERASMUs teaching mobility exchange program.  In February, we welcomed Orebro university lecturer Anna Rönngren to Brighton to deliver lectures on her specialties, which...

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Where do the bubbles come from? Trip to Effervescents du Monde, Dijon 2013

As we left Plumpton in the drizzle, spirits were high: here we were off to visit some of the most important winelands of France, a heady prospect for any wine student!  We made our way through the now driving rain to the...

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Dressage Times for Saturday March 8th 2014


Download Dressage Times for Saturday March 8th 2014 (doc, 24kb)


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