Brighton Success in BUCS Mini League

Published on 22 November 2017

28 November 2017 15:53 - 15:53

Brighton Success in BUCS Mini League

The BUCS Equestrian mini league competition comprises of 23 leagues in the Championship and Brighton will have 4 chances to compete during the mini league season. Making up their mini league are also teams from Canterbury, Kent and Sussex.

The meet was a great success for the home team, using their training and home arena to its full potential, they placed first on all four of the dressage horses- Monkey, Cash, Lombok and Silver. The team then went on to further victory by taking three out of four first place positions for the jumping competition.

The successful day lead to Brighton winning the competition overall. This, alongside top individual placings, has put the Brighton team in a very good starting position to potentially qualify for the regional championships again this year.

The full results of the competition were:

Team 1st - Brighton

Team 2nd - Kent

Team 3rd - Surrey

Team 4th - Canterbury


Individual 1st - Jenny Rowlison (Brighton)

Individual joint 2nd - Laura Reynolds (Brighton)

Individual joint 2nd - Esme Girdwood (Brighton)

Individual 4th - Elisha Smith (Surrey)

Indivdual 5th - Bella Wilson (Brighton)

Individual 6th - Julie Piper (Kent)