Horticulture students win 'Gold' at BBC Gardeners' World

Published on 8 May 2024

00:00 - 00:00

Horticulture students win 'Gold' at BBC Gardeners' World

The students' submission, titled 'Hort Couture', 'Waste Not Want Not' presents a courtyard garden concept inspired by fashion. The design incorporates upcycled elements such as a catwalk path made from recycled rubber and buttons, a green wall system utilizing denim pockets, climbers resembling clothes rails, and sculptures fashioned from coat hangers. One of the ideas which had a big visual appeal was the use pockets from recycled jeans to act as plant holders!

The garden is now up for public vote for the People's Choice Showcase Garden 2024! Click here to submit your vote.

Huge congratulations to all the staff and students involved in this project, an amazing achievement!