It's World Autism Acceptance Week 2023

Published on 24 March 2023

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It's World Autism Acceptance Week 2023

World Autism Acceptance Week 

27th March - 2nd April 2023

The National Autistic Society believes that more than 700,000 people in the UK are autistic, which is more than 1 in 100 people. During World Autism Acceptance Week, acceptance is about recognising and celebrating differences in people with autism, and treating each person as an individual.

Our aim is to create an inclusive and diverse learning environment for our students in the best way possible, and as more research becomes available about neurodiversity, we can strengthen our support systems for our students; whether that is through more structured support or less formal interventions. One way in which we deliver this is through all staff having specific training, and updates as required.

In this way, we know there is a place for all students here at Plumpton College, and maintaining a space free of judgement and welcoming of each individual will always be a priority. We are immensely proud of the vast community of students studying with us. Read more about the support we offer our students here:

Throughout World Autism Acceptance Week, departments across the college have come together and planned various activities for our staff and students, such as informational posters, scavengers hunts, interactive games and more.


Plumpton College staff & students, look out for the following:

  • Messages from some of our autistic students to their friends - on posters around the college
  • Things that our autistic students would like staff to know - daily on Sharepoint
  • An EDI 'Lunch and Learn' table in the canteen on Wednesday
  • Information posters/scavenger hunt organised by the Students' Union.


Autism Myths - True or False?


1. Autism is a male condition.


In the past, it was thought that autism was a 'male' condition, but women and non-binary people can be autistic too. Autistic women and non-binary people appear to be able to 'mask' their autistic traits more successfully, often leading to a later diagnosis. A new study by scientists at the University of Cambridge’s Autism Research Centre indicates that transgender and gender-diverse adults are three to six times more likely as cisgender adults to be diagnosed as autistic.


2. Mental health problems are more common in autistic people.


Approximately 40% of autistic individuals have at least one anxiety disorder and depression is higher amongst autistic people. This is maybe because they: can struggle to try to fit into or make sense of the world, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety may face delays in getting their mental health problems diagnosed are more likely to face stigma and discrimination


3. Autistic people cannot read emotions and feel empathy.


Autistic people feel empathy just the same as neurotypical people.  Many autistic people report that they experience typical, even excessive, empathy at times. But they may not always respond or express it in the way that you might expect. (For example, by sharing a similar experience of their own to indicate solidarity, by offering practical help, or by freezing and doing nothing because they’re unsure how to respond in a way that’s wanted or required in the situation. - remove?)


4. Autism is a personality type.


Autism is actually a neurological type and no two autistic individuals share the exact same characteristics, just like no two non-autistic (or neurotypical) people are the same. Each autistic person has their own set of strengths and challenges just like everyone else. There is not one key defining characteristic/trait/strength/challenge that you will find in every single autistic person in the world. (Not only are people who are autistic not the same as one another, but pretty much EVERYONE on this planet is slightly different to each other. Everyone is unique. - remove?)


5. Someone can be loud & energetic AND autistic.


Not all autistic people are quiet introverts who want to spend time on their own. Autistic people can be introverted, extroverted and everything in between. Many love being sociable, love being with their friends and love chatting. However, they may find socialising more tiring than non-autistic people, particularly if they feel they need to suppress their autism to blend in, so they may need time to recover afterwards.