NSA student winner
Published on 10 July 2014
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Plumpton College student Gussie Harmer was recently judged first prize winner at the Student Shepherd of the Future competition at South Sheep 2014, sponsored by Volac/Lammlac.
The NSA South East Region’s South Sheep event was held at Blackcap Farm, Firle near Lewes and was well attended with over 1, 200 people visiting the event. Gussie is a student on the Diploma in Agriculture course at the College. Her family farm at Offham near Lewes – and the farm has an excellent farm shop!
The NSA event included seminars, farm tours, 30 breeds of sheep, 17 young shepherds competing in the Shepherd of the Future Competitions and a sheepdog trial with over 60 competitors. There was also a Celebration of Wool area with 35 entries in the fleece competitions, stands with various wool products and an area with spinners and weavers, who produced a shawl during the day from fleece to finish, raising funds for the host’s chosen charity, ‘Charlies Challenge.’
Learn more about our history
Since the original 400-acre College farm was bought back in 1919, Plumpton College has certainly seen a lot of changes.

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