Plumpton College teaches Merseyside firemen about rescue of large animals

01:00 - 01:00

Plumpton College teaches Merseyside firemen about rescue of large animals

Plumpton College regularly provides a 4 day Large Animal Rescue Instructors course for fire brigades across the country. Last week members of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service attended a course at the College.

The course covers large animal handling, taught by the Colleges experienced staff, and includes the handling of farm animals, using a live cow lift with East Sussex Fire Brigade's large animal rescue vehicle and trainers from East Sussex Fire and Rescue service and the handling and rescue of horses using both live and model horses . Training includes learning a variety of rescue techniques in the College’s purpose made rescue pit. There will be a number of re-qualification, refresher course being held at the college during 2012 and 2013.