Students crowned climbing competition champions

Published on 11 May 2017

17 May 2017 20:18 - 20:18

Students crowned climbing competition champions

The CCC (College Climbing Competitions) is a team event for young arborists from colleges around the country to test their climbing skills and claim the title of regional college champions.

The competition was held at Reasheath College in Cheshire with 6 teams competing from across the country from Sussex to Inverness.  

The competition is aimed as a chance to showcase industry best practice, safety and team work, time is added if students are unsafe or make mistakes.

There are 6 bells to hit as well as a log toss, pole saw, limb walk and landing zone.

The team were praised for their positive attitude, support of each other and fast safe climbing making them the winning team on the day. 

Curriculum Manager, Vicki Richardson comments

I am incredibly proud of our students and their teamwork. A huge thank you to the Arboricultural Association and Nick Pott for running the event, all the judges and helpers that give up their time for free and Gustharts for sponsoring the event. Without their support, events such as these wouldn't happen.