Students organise successful self-run event!

Published on 18 June 2019

13 June 2019 09:18 - 09:18

Students organise successful self-run event!

On Friday 17th May Foundation Learning students hosted a visit on campus for Woodlands Mead College in Burgess Hill. The morning was initiated, planned and led by current Plumpton College students, eight of whom had previously attended Woodlands Meed and are now on Entry Level courses in Rural Pathways. 

Hugo, who joined the Entry Level 3 group in September 2018, from Woodlands Meed was very keen to share his success at Plumpton and encourage others to follow in his foot-steps. 

During their visit, Rural Pathways students, led tours around the campus, explained what the facilities were and sung the praises of Plumpton as a place to study. 

Hugo, Rural Pathways student, said,

I feel very proud of what I have achieved by coming to Plumpton. I wanted to show them everything there is here and say that it feels hard to start with, but you soon get used to it. 

Following the tours, students from both colleges got to know each other better and take part in a quiz all about Plumpton. 

There was a chance for Woodlands Meed students to ask questions about courses and to take home all of the information they will need to apply. 

Staff feedback was that the students did us proud and were true ambassadors for both their course and the college values. 

Feedback from Woodlands Meed was very positive. Diane, whose role is to support transitions, was impressed by the student led aspect of the visit and all enjoyed the morning. 

We are looking forward to building an ongoing transition partnership with Woodlands Meed in the future.  

Want to find out more about our Foundation Learning courses? Join us on Thursday 22nd August for our Course Information Event to discover your ideal course.