Take a Walk Down Memory Lane...

21 March 2019 14:18 - 14:18

Take a Walk Down Memory Lane...

We are delighted to announce one of our special new additions to this year's Open Day & Spring Fair - Memory Lane. The Memory Lane marquee will be the place to visit to view a selection of unearthed College photographs and memorabilia spanning the past 100 years. 

We have embarked upon an exciting project to digitise our entire College archive of photos, artefacts and items of interest. You will soon be able to access the archives online and we will have preserved generations of cherished memorabilia. 

At our Open Day and Spring Fair on the 11th May we will be showcasing these memories in the 'Memory Lane Marquee'. Discover old photos, artefacts, work books and unusual collections all laid out for all to enjoy. 

Whether you're an ex-student, teacher or a land-based enthusiast, we look forward to welcoming you to the Memory Lane Marquee - the ideal place to meet up with old friends and reminisce. 


- Do you have any old photos / items you from your time at Plumpton College you would like to share as part of this exciting project? Contact marketing@plumpton.ac.uk 

- Are you an ex-student yourself? Have your say on the future of the Old Plumptonian's Association by submitting your feedback via our questionnaire

- Can you help promote the Memory Lane Marquee? We would like this to be a wonderful experience for everyone to enjoy. Share the invitation to our Open Day via our alumni page on facebook, twitter or use the hashtags #PlumptonCollege #PlumptonMemoryLane 

Purchase your tickets to Open Day