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Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy This policy sets out a framework for dealing with recruitment and selection. The policy is applicable to all employees within the Plumpton College Group. For…

Plumpton celebrates International Women's Day 2024

Plumpton celebrates International Women's Day 2024

Plumpton celebrates International Women's Day 2024 Today is International Women's Day with the theme of #InspireInclusion. The day aims to celebrate women's achievements and raise awareness about…

College named apprenticeship provider of the year

College named apprenticeship provider of the year

College named apprenticeship provider of the year Plumpton College is delighted to have been announced as the ‘Agriculture, Environmental & Animal Care Apprenticeship Provider of the Year’ at the FE…

Queen awards College highest national honour

Queen awards College highest national honour

Queen awards College highest national honour Plumpton College was delighted to be presented with a Queen’s Anniversary Prize by Her Majesty the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Plumpton College was…

Plumpton 'Olympic Themed' Bake Off

Plumpton 'Olympic Themed' Bake Off

Plumpton 'Olympic Themed' Bake Off Building from our first successful Plumpton Bake Off last year, we are excited to launch the 2024 Bake Off for Food Tech students with a topical Olympics…



Higher Education (HE) Hardship Bursary Who should read these guidelines? The information in this guide is for students who will be aged 19 or over on 31 August and who will have funding for their…



Advanced Learner Hardship fund. Who should read these guidelines? The information in this guide is for students who will be aged 19 or over on 31 August and who have paid their course with an…



2024/25 Student bursary for over 19s Who should read these guidelines? The information in this guide is for students who will be aged 19 or over on 31 August. If you will be 16, 17 or 18 on this date…



2024/25 Student bursary for under 18’s Who should read these guidelines? The Young Person who will be attending Plumpton College as a student, aged under 19 on the 31st August Parent(s)/Carer(s)/ or…

Beyond the classroom with our Spring Back Programme

Beyond the classroom with our Spring Back Programme

Beyond the classroom with our Spring Back Programme Last term, our students took part in the Spring Back Programme - a fantastic opportunity across the college and within curriculum teams to enhance…