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653 results:

Dressage Times for Saturday March 8th 2014

Dressage Times for Saturday March 8th 2014 Download Dressage Times for Saturday March 8th 2014 (doc, 24kb)

Gamekeepers Clay shooting competion results

Gamekeepers Clay shooting competion results

Gamekeepers Clay shooting competion results The College clay shooting team competed this week at the inter-land-based College clay shooting competition in Derbyshire. The College clay shooting…

Plumpton Sailing Academy Host First Sailing Regatta at Piddinghoe

Plumpton Sailing Academy Host First Sailing Regatta at Piddinghoe

Plumpton Sailing Academy Host First Sailing Regatta at Piddinghoe “Plumpton Sailing Academy hosted their first sailing regatta at Piddinghoe lake last Friday. Ten members of the academy raced…

Inter College Clay shooting competition.

Inter College Clay shooting competition.

Inter College Clay shooting competition. On the 10th May we took 9 students and 2 members of staff to the Inter agriculture college Clay competition. It was held at Moreton Morell college in…

Graham Moss Lecturer in Outdoor Education continues with his successes at triathlons

Graham Moss Lecturer in Outdoor Education continues with his successes at triathlons

Graham Moss Lecturer in Outdoor Education continues with his successes at triathlons I am very pleased with my result and am now focused on my next race at Petworth Park ran by the Brownlee…

Grahame Moss – member of staff – latest Triathlon report

Grahame Moss – member of staff – latest Triathlon report

Grahame Moss – member of staff – latest Triathlon report Worthing Triathlon 6th July 2014 When the alarm went off at 4am to leave I was not best pleased; but as they say “time and tide waits…

Southwater Sprint Relay, 7th September 2014

Southwater Sprint Relay, 7th September 2014 This unique triathlon consists of three team members who swim, bike, and run, and then tag their team mates; the accumulated team time is taken for the…

Sailing Academy

Sailing Academy

Sailing Academy The Plumpton College Sailing Academy entered in the Bart’s Bash Worldwide sailing regatta... The Plumpton College Sailing Academy entered in the Bart’s Bash Worldwide sailing regatta…

RYA Onboard Sailing Sessions at Piddinghoe Pond with Newhaven & Seaford SC & Plumpton College

RYA Onboard Sailing Sessions at Piddinghoe Pond with Newhaven & Seaford SC & Plumpton College

Results from Plumpton Dressage

Results from Plumpton Dressage Results from Plumpton Dressage, 24th January 2015 Results for Advanced Medium 85 Open Plumpton, 24/01/15 Results for Elementary 53 Restricted Plumpton,…