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653 results:

Plumpton College successfully launches its pilot ‘Entry into Viticulture’ retraining program

Plumpton College successfully launches its pilot ‘Entry into Viticulture’ retraining program

Plumpton College successfully launches its pilot ‘Entry into Viticulture’ retraining program This month, Plumpton College successfully launched its pilot ‘Entry Into Viticulture’ Programme; a free…

Government bonus for businesses to hire apprentices commences

Government bonus for businesses to hire apprentices commences

Government bonus for businesses to hire apprentices commences The government's plan for jobs will help to kickstart the nation's economic recovery and in recognition of the value apprentices can…

Hear from current student Callumn Fitzpatrick studying BSc Viticulture and Oenology

Hear from current student Callumn Fitzpatrick studying BSc Viticulture and Oenology We catch up with current student, Callumn Fitzpatrick, studying BSc Viticulture and Oenology at Plumpton…

Inside our BSc Viticulture and Oenology, from current student Haydon Exter

Inside our BSc Viticulture and Oenology, from current student Haydon Exter

Inside our BSc Viticulture and Oenology, from current student Haydon Exter We catch up with current student, Haydon Exter, studying BSc Viticulture and Oenology at Plumpton College. We ask Haydon…

The ex-competition horse; an invaluable resource for education.

The ex-competition horse; an invaluable resource for education.

The ex-competition horse; an invaluable resource for education. At Plumpton College, we have the honour of having a variety of ex-competition horses either gifted to us or loaned to the Equine…

High standards and continuous improvement praised by Judge

High standards and continuous improvement praised by Judge Today the college finally received closure on a sensitive and important matter relating to our farm. The pollution incident in question…

Plumpton College Student Aspire Programme

Plumpton College Student Aspire Programme We wish all of our Students to aspire to be the best versions of themselves, we hear from Assistant Principle, Phaedra Tanghe, who explains how our exciting…

Plumpton College to launch a re-training programme in response to Covid-19

Plumpton College to launch a re-training programme in response to Covid-19

Plumpton College to launch a re-training programme in response to Covid-19 In response to economic impact felt because of Covid-19 and with Brexit on the horizon, Plumpton College are set to launch a…

Rapidly Expanding Wine Industry - Need for Wine Apprenticeships

Rapidly Expanding Wine Industry - Need for Wine Apprenticeships

Rapidly Expanding Wine Industry - Need for Wine Apprenticeships The UK wine industry is rapidly expanding, in an unprecedented manner, and the need for technically trained effective vineyard…

How butchery apprentices are good for business!

How butchery apprentices are good for business!

How butchery apprentices are good for business! We visit Andy Clarke at Park Farm butchers to find out what advice he'd give to employers thinking about taking on an apprentice. We recently visited…