Our Values
Promotion of College & British Values
At Plumpton, we know that our role isn't just limited to helping you to gain skills academically. It's also about helping you to develop personally; preparing you for life as a successful and responsible citizen. So we make sure that we promote these important values to all of our students.

British Values
These are also values that are very similar to the DFE’s ‘British Values’. It’s a key step in delivering our responsibilities within the Prevent agenda.
We make sure that these values are reinforced throughout the College community.
Here are some of the many ways we look to promote British Values at Plumpton College:
We make sure that all of our students have a strong voice here at Plumpton. You’ll be able to contribute to a variety of forums that influence our provision to students. We also ensure that any agreements that are made on the basis of these suggestions are widely publicised so that you can see the value of this process.
The Rule of Law
Whether it’s a law that applies to a class, our College or the country, we makes sure that it is constantly reinforced throughout each day. Social responsibility features highly within College life and also is a major part of our student disciplinary procedure.
Individual Liberty
As a College, we educate and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. We encourage you to know, understand and exercise your rights and personal freedoms. We also advise you how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and student induction process.
Mutual Respect
Our students are diverse in nature and this adds a richness to our College community that we’re proud to celebrate. We’ll make sure that individual and collective successes are well publicised; allowing departments and students to see their relative contributions to both the College and the industries that they serve. We’ve got an excellent reputation for creating hard-working, adaptable and open minded students here. We also know that our students prove to be superb assets for their employers.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
We make sure this is achieved through enhancing your understanding of your place in a culturally diverse society. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures as part of an ongoing programme of awareness raising and participative events.
At Plumpton College, we will actively challenge students, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values including ‘extremist’ views.
Supporting you at Plumpton
At Plumpton, your health and well-being come first.
Life at Plumpton
Studying at Plumpton is more than just the course that you choose to take.