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1063 results:

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 The report tells us: The average rate of pay for women at the College is lower then men. In 2021 we saw a slight increase partly driven to the departure of our previous…

Recognising and celebrating students upholding our College values

Recognising and celebrating students upholding our College values

Recognising and celebrating students upholding our College values Last week we celebrated and recognised over 30 students who exemplify and uphold our six college values at our Values Lunch.…

Interactive virtual Lambing sessions for over 700 primary school students

Interactive virtual Lambing sessions for over 700 primary school students

Interactive virtual Lambing sessions for over 700 primary school students March signifies a lot of things - the start of spring, daffodils, sunnier days. At Plumpton, it's a vital time in the…

Our first successful Raising and Giving Day in two years!

Our first successful Raising and Giving Day in two years!

Our first successful Raising and Giving Day in two years! Thursday the 24th of March was no ordinary day at college, it was RAG Day, a buzz from students and staff alike filled the air along…

Take a look at our Plumpton College Annual Review 20/21

Take a look at our Plumpton College Annual Review 20/21

Take a look at our Plumpton College Annual Review 20/21

Local college awards staff 4% pay increase

Local college awards staff 4% pay increase

Local college awards staff 4% pay increase Local college awards staff 4% pay increase Plumpton College has granted its staff a 4% cost of living pay award from 1st April 2022. This award is above the…

College invites local employers for National Careers Week

College invites local employers for National Careers Week

College invites local employers for National Careers Week National Careers Week celebrates career guidance in education across the UK to help support young people leaving education. With this in…

Apprentices presented with National Institute of Meat Awards by HRH The Princess Royal

Apprentices presented with National Institute of Meat Awards by HRH The Princess Royal

Apprentices presented with National Institute of Meat Awards by HRH The Princess Royal We're proud to announce three of our apprentices who study with Plumpton College have won three of nine awards…

Plumpton goes electric! Leading the way to carbon zero.

Plumpton goes electric! Leading the way to carbon zero.

Plumpton goes electric! Leading the way to carbon zero. Leading the way to carbon zero Plumpton College is leading the way to carbon zero. The college is proud to present its new fleet of electric…

Dog Grooming students enjoy masterclass by Julie Harris, on the Anatomical Kind Hands Tour

Dog Grooming students enjoy masterclass by Julie Harris, on the Anatomical Kind Hands Tour

Dog Grooming students enjoy masterclass by Julie Harris, on the Anatomical Kind Hands Tour Last weekend we were delighted to welcome Julie Harris to the college for a full day's dog grooming…