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1062 results:

Interns get festive for Chestnut Tree House

Interns get festive for Chestnut Tree House

Interns get festive for Chestnut Tree House Plumpton College Supported Interns got into the Christmas spirit last week as part of the 'Get Festive' campaign, raising over £280 for a great…

Student, now lecturer wins industry award

Student, now lecturer wins industry award

Student, now lecturer wins industry award Student Dean Bell, FdSc Arboriculture at Plumpton College has been awarded the Institute of Foresters Student Award. It is presented to the top student in…

PA6AW - Hand Held Application In or Near Water with Hydraulic Nozzle

PA1 PA6A Half day plus a separate assessment.

Updated Statement

Updated Statement

Updated Statement Updated Statement on case of pollution from College Farm, Tuesday 29th November On the evening of 29th November, The College was alerted to an emergency with one of its slurry…

Equine competition season underway

Equine competition season underway

Equine competition season underway University of Brighton equestrian team coached at Plumpton College by equine lecturer Debbie Melville started their competition season well with their home…

New training partnership delivers life saving skills to students

New training partnership delivers life saving skills to students

New training partnership delivers life saving skills to students A new training partnership will ensure students at Plumpton College in East Sussex receive life-saving training alongside their…

Wine students visit Champagne & Burgundy

Wine students visit Champagne & Burgundy

Wine students visit Champagne & Burgundy In November, the second year Plumpton College Wine Production and Business students enjoyed a very successful study trip to the wine regions of France. …

Students meet HRH The Prince of Wales

Students meet HRH The Prince of Wales

Students meet HRH The Prince of Wales Plumpton students and alumni were invited to take part in the annual Patrons Competition held at Highgrove, Tetbury.  The event, organised by the National…

Principles of Winemaking

This course is suitable for anyone who has an interest in the subject. Course Cost £845 for the full course. 5 days

Principles of Vinegrowing

This course is suitable for anyone who has an interest in the subject. The session includes practical activity and requires students to bring: Good sturdy footwear such as Wellington boots…